Sunday School - Children on Sunday
St Mary Abbots aims to give children an experience of the Church as a happy place to be. During the 9.30am service children can sit with their parents or join their friends at the back of the church to join in with the first hymn and to listen to the prayers, after which they will go to our Sunday School - Children on Sundays.
There there will be activities, worship, prayers and Christian teaching appropriate to their age and understanding, and they can respond in livelier, noisier and messier (but more creative) ways than would be possible in Church! The children then return to church at the time of the communion, and each child receives a personal blessing and is given a candle to light as a reminder of the baptismal injunction to shine as a light in the world.
The Groups
Pre School Group: Under 5
(Children to be accompanied by a parent) The children start with a prayer and bible story, then singing and being encouraged to express their understanding through drawing and other artistic activities. Parents are encouraged and expected to join in worship with their children. |
Primary School Group: Over 5
The children take part in pre-prepared activities, Christian worship, prayers and teaching with an emphasis on learning through play. We also want to encourage you as you nurture your children in the faith. Here is a link to the Church of England's Early Years Ministry page where you will find useful suggestions to use with your children. |
To register your child from the Sunday Groups please print off, sign and return the form on Sunday at the 9.30 service
Join our mailing list
A regular email update is sent to parents to keep them informed about any other activities, events, and so on. Please talk to Martina to sign up.
Volunteering to help
Volunteering to help with Children on Sundays
If you think that you might like to join the team of volunteers that run the Children on Sundays sessions then click here to find out more: COS Volunteer Information
If you think that you might like to join the team of volunteers that run the Children on Sundays sessions then click here to find out more: COS Volunteer Information