Dear all
Candlemas was enthusiastically and prayerfully celebrated at St Mary Abbots last weekend, from the Family Eucharist with a play and children’s choir, to the beautiful candlelit Festal Choral Evensong. It was a joy to see so many of you with us as we marked the end of the Christmas season, and we were also very touched by the number and generosity of the donations made towards purchasing the candles used in church for the year ahead. Thank you so much to everyone who donated, whether as an offering or in memory of a loved one. We have now almost reached that time of year when we begin to prepare candidates for Confirmation. Confirmation is the moment in the Christian journey when adults or young people confirm for themselves before a bishop the promises made at their baptism. Bishop Emma, the Bishop of Kensington, will be with us for a Confirmation Service on Thursday 5th June at 6.30 pm, and we would be delighted to hear from anyone of any age (Year 6 and above), who would be interested in taking this step and attending the eight sessions of preparation before then. The adult sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm, but will begin with an introductory session on Monday 3rd March. Sessions for young people will be at 4 pm on Tuesdays, beginning on Tuesday 4th March. If you would like to sign up to take this step, please contact Leonora HERE for a form and timetable of the sessions. If you would like to speak further with one of the clergy first, please do – you know where to find us! A letter and form will go out to Year 6 children at St Mary Abbots School tomorrow, to be returned by those interested to Leonora or to the School Office by Monday 27th February at the latest. Confirmation preparation sessions offer a wonderful opportunity to reflect on your faith with others on a similar journey, and the service itself is deeply moving and spiritual. For anyone else who would like the opportunity to deepen their faith, and to reflect on Jesus’ teaching and what it means for us today, our Lenten theme will be “Who is My Neighbour?” (Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which this year is Wednesday 5th March). Fr Tim will be explaining more about the course we shall be following, and the ways this will be reflected on Sundays in our services in this message next week, but please do consider putting the dates on the poster below in your diary. The discussion group will meet on Wednesday evenings, starting on 12th March at 6.45 for 7 pm in the Long Room at St Mary Abbots Centre, and we look forward very much to welcoming you there. Please speak to Fr Tim if you have any questions and let him know you plan to attend. It is, as always, a privilege to travel with you all on this journey of faith. I wish you a peaceful week and look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Lord Jesus Christ, as we sit at your feet, teach us your living way; for you are our Word and Wisdom, one God with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. [Common Worship Daily Prayer: response to Psalm 119] With my love and prayers Mother Emma 6th February 2025 |
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Virtual Donation Plate
If you would like to make a donation during our services, or at any time, we have set up an online virtual collection plate below. Click here for this week's Newsletter
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The PCC of St Mary Abbots Church
Charity No: 1132235 |