You can donate towards the project HERE.
The Ramp Project
As a first step to demonstrate our commitment to create a warm and inclusive welcome to our church we decided, as part of our 150th Anniversary celebrations in 2022, to put in a permanent, attractive and safe ramp at the South Door, to help all those who would find this easier than the steps and to replace the existing temporary ramp - images below.
The Friends of St Mary Abbots, a separate charity which has in the past raised funds for some wonderful projects to enhance the church building made a collection for this project at the start of 2022, matching every £1 for every £1 donated, thereby doubling any gifts given.
Three Designs
Three designs were shown to the congregation on the church notice boards. The first had a curved ramp along one wall, the second an electric lift within the steps and a third would gently increase the gradient to the level of the door, removing the steps. People were asked to vote for their preferred option.
The first design with a short, curved ramp, proved to be the most popular.
Preparations for our ramp took another step forward as a structural engineer, with archaeologist overseeing, dug a trial pit in the cloister to investigate the area where the ramp foundations will be.
Final Designs (Roger Mears Architects)
The designs were discussed and amended until a final design was agreed upon in Spring 2023 as can be seen below:
Entrance will be via a ramp to the right and steps to the left.
Entrance will be via a ramp to the right and steps to the left.
The South Doors currently open outwards but not all the way. The doors will be rehung to open inwards, to allow easier access at the top of the ramp. The doors are heavy so a push pad will be added to open them electronically.
Decorative Panels based on Sir George Gilbert Scott's designs from our Altar, as well as the Albert Memorial and others will to be added to the ramp railings.
The Friends of St Mary Abbots fundraising presentation
Following an extensive financial appeal and fund raising campaign, The Friends of St Mary Abbots have, with the help of many parishioners, local businesses and Friends, raised their £50,000 target to build the access ramp in York stone to match the existing Cloister floor. The £50,000 cheque was presented to Mother Emma and members of the PCC on 25th June 2023.
Work on the wooden ramp to the Holland chapel was completed in September 2023 just in time for the Bishop of London to bless it at our Patronal Festival and the last of our 150th Anniversary Celebrations.
Bishop Sarah also blessed the foundations outside the church.
Bishop Sarah also blessed the foundations outside the church.
Over the next few weeks the ramp took shape
The old paving stones, now cut to shape, the edging and railings are now ready to be installed
The stones are laid out on the surface of the ramp and carefully fitted into place to make sure that they all fit.
Meanwhile the doors are taken off their hinges and new ones are fitted so that it opens inwards. The work will take 2 weeks to complete. The church is still still open through the West Doors. The South door (cloister) will be open on Sunday. |
Once the railings had been added the original stones, removed at the start of the process, were laid carefully on top of the ramp base.
This took some skill and expertise: the edges of the ramp stones line up with the edges of the stones on the floor below - so that it looks as if it is a complete and unbroken floor. |
The handrails painted and the stones laid, the ramp was completed in time for the Civic Service on Remembrance Sunday!
Our thanks to all the people who took part in this project, for their skill and care in creating a ramp that almost looks as if it has always been there. It makes a welcome difference to the people who use or visit the church. |
While the Friends' extremely generous fundraising covers the cost of the ramp itself we are continuing to raise funds for the additional work of rehanging the doors and providing the new wheelchair area . Any contributions would be gratefully received.
Please contact the Petter, Parish Manager HERE to see how you can help towards the project or you can use this QR Code.
Please contact the Petter, Parish Manager HERE to see how you can help towards the project or you can use this QR Code.