Re-Lighting the Church & Spire - 150th Anniversary Project
And then they were finished! Just in time for our Easter Vigil Service 2023.
Showing Mother Emma and the virgers how to turn the lights on.
The work on the spire and tower is now complete and so the work restoring the lighting begins.
Before the lighting can be resurrected another aspect of maintaining the church, and a more urgent one, had to be addressed - maintenance on the tower and steeple masonry. Work started in February 2023 and was completed at the start of March 2023. Below our intrepid head Virger Simon inspects the work!
The dysfunctional lights are dotted around the church yard, on the sides of the building and even on the roof.
For the Millennium Celebrations the Friends of St Mary Abbots raised funds for the church, windows and tower to be floodlit. As can be seen from the images below, taken in December 2022, most of these lights are no longer working.